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 Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA

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RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA   Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Icon_minitimePir. 06 30 2008, 20:04

Tikiuosi didelį darbą atliksiu ir pagelbėsiu anime bendruomenės busimam piešėjuj,čia bus pateikiami bent pagrindai anime piešimui...pagal tutorial'us Like a Star @ heaven širdingai tikiuos jog susidomėsit ne tik anime žiurėjimu bet ir piešimu. cat

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Paskutinį kartą redagavo Tigerlillish, Št. 07 05 2008, 11:56. Redaguota 1 kartą
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Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Re: Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA   Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Icon_minitimeAntr. 07 01 2008, 17:44

Svarbiausia norint išmokti piešti anime yra:

1. Perspective
2. Anatomy and Proportions
3. Hair
4. Clothing
-5. Lineart
-6. Coloring
-7. Tips and final words

Well the first and probably the biggest problem everyone face, is the perspective. Having a good knowledge of perspective can help you give depth to you your works and they wont look so flat and will also have better proportions.
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_a6110

It works like this, the more far away an object is, the smaller it looks and the closer object is the bigger it looks too.
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You can practice perspective by drawing a line that would represent a horizont and marking the center of it, now draw straight lines towards you. It should look something like this.
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_2113

This is how you get simple but accurate objects, the more complex your object is, the more lines it requires, I suggest using more than one color because you can get mixed up in your own lines.
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Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_5110 Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_6110 Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_7111

This not only works for architecture but for every other object like people, think about your characters as complex geometric forms, every body part as a box
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It is always helpful to draw a perspective box and than draw the character inside
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My advice would be to plan your image in top/side/front view before doing it in perspective view, this helps you to get a better idea of what you are doing
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There is also all kinds of perspective emulation types in drawings. For example the first cube could be a regular perspective object or a small object. The second cube is very big or closed up. And the third cube has the fish eye effect, usually it is a special lens used in photography.
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_a8110

Well that is it for perspective, cant think of anything more to tell you at the moment
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_9110

Once you get a hang of the perspective, you will be able to draw images without the perspective lines.

here's a few pics fixed by 2chan @ /ic
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_img10 Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_img11 Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_moe10 Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_vip10
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_fil10 Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_11710 Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_06010 Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_00910

The next thing you will need too know is anatomy, proportions and how things work.

2.Anatomy and Proportions
It is important to know most of the muscles and even bones if you want to draw correct figures.

Bones are the base frame of the human body, muscles are attached to the bones are for the purpose of moving them, it is a sort of cooperation between muscles and bones that neither of them could be without. Muscles couldn't make the body stand or do anything, without bones, and bones couldn't move without muscles or hold together in one skeleton for that mater. But enough with the obvious.

Now to know what muscles goes where, you need to know the positions and of the bones.
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_c3110

It is also important to know that because not all bones are hidden inside the body, some of the bones are visible on the outside too, like the collar bones for example. I marked those kind of bones with red.
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_c1110

It is not that complicated as it may sound actually.
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_c2110

Anyway, when drawing a figure, drawing the skeleton first can really be helpful. Here is an example.
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But actually you don't need to accurately draw them, you can just draw simple lines representing bones.
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Now, how does the muscles work? This is probably obvious too but muscles retract pulling both ends that they are attached too close together.
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_d3110 Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_d1110

Every part in the body works the same way. Now there are people out there, that wonder, what are those muscles in the second part of your arm for. Well LOL lol! those are for moving your fingers. They also make the two bones in your ram to revolve around each other, twist your arm.
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_c6110

Well anyway, most of the animals like cats, dogs, horses, humans, birds, dinosaurs and even Chuck Norris, share the same anatomy, all the same bones and muscles can be found in every living creature, so knowing human anatomy, automatically enables you, to draw all kinds of other animals correctly too, the only difference is in the shapes and proportions.

Now about the proportions, well the most common mistakes people make, is drawing the arms too short. Arms should end up where legs begin.
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_d4110

Also the hands are usually too small, if you put your palm to your face, you will notice that your hand cover all of your face, when drawing a character, make sure that his/her hands are as big as the face.
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_d7110

Same goes for the feet.

When drawing a female, always make sure that the hips are wide enough and the shoulders aren't any wider than the hips.
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_d9110

You can even make them wider than the shoulders for additional hotness, what I usually do:D

When drawing hands, keep this in mind.
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_d5110

And here is how the head should look like, it kinda resembles an egg.
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_d8110

I cant say much about the feet, I am having trouble with them myself but I think it should go something like this.
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_d6110

Well that is it for the anatomy and proportions. you should google for tutorials and more detailed information about anatomy and stuff because I only covered a fraction of it. Here is some stuff from 2chan
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_v8010 Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_upr10 Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_up510
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_unc10 Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_ren10 Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_aka10
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_11711 Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_11712 Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_11510 Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_11610 Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_11611 Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_11510 Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_11512

next one is the hair

well I don't have much to say about hair, only this.
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_hai10

The regions that hair grows from are marked red

The type of hair is totally up to you
Here is a few common types of hair.
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_sty10

When drawing the default pointy anime style hair, it's best to do quick strokes if you want to make the lines straight and all.

The style of hair is totally up to you too, just try to keep the common sense and logic intact and you will be fine
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_img12 Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_img13 Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_img14

There is a better hair tutorial here Arrow http://www.cablenet.ne.jp/%7ejapanime/tutorial/hairmain.html

Ok next stop will be clothing

Now I don't know mutch theory behind clothing so I guoes this tutorial will cover this mater better than me Arrow http://www.cablenet.ne.jp/%7ejapanime/tutorial/clothingmain.html

What I can tell you about, are those HAWT! Anime school skirts :3

At first I kept finding it hard to do the folds right, but than I figured out this very simple but yet efective solution.
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_1110

now asuming you allready know how to draw cloths or fabric flexibility and stuff in general from the link I gave you, draw a simple skirt like this
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_2114

now draw sum lines
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_3111

now you are ready to form the folds out of those lines
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and youre done
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_5111

there are all kinds of ways to make those folds, here is a few and I bet you could think of many more
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_sit10

and finaly, one big mistake I noticed lots of people doing
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_sk110 Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_sk310

the skirt isn't made out of ruber you know, if the girl bends forwerd, the back of the skirt lifts (and make an oportunity for a panty shot depending on the length of the skirt Very Happy ) and the front lowers
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA Th_sk210

well that is about all I can say for now, maybe I will ad something more later.
Gal kas norit išmokt piešt anime? jei taip, tai spauskit ČIA 373431

Paskutinį kartą redagavo Tigerlillish, Št. 07 05 2008, 11:51. Redaguota 3 kartus(ų)
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OMG scared
Tikrai ne taip jau ir lengva juos piešti...
Tiek daug visko žinot reikia... cool
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